Monday, January 19, 2009

Ready for the world to change

It is only two weeks into the new year and I already feel like 2009 is going to be one of our greatest years yet.

It definitely started out in a very scary way. Losing my job pretty much rocked me, but I really looked at the bright side of it all. I'm so glad that all the therapy I went through really helped. Makes me believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. 2008 was a pretty rough year through and through for me, but I would not appreciate the place I'm in now if not for dealing with that mess. I am a much stronger, less naive person for it. I'm really glad that it didn't make me lose hope in the world, if anything it renewed my passion for life, especially since I was so close to having my freedom taken away.

Seems like the country is getting a new start too. I'm so excited and hopeful for Obama and the future of my country. I'm so excited that I'm working at the Boys and Girls Club right now too. It is just so perfect that I get to experience this through the eyes of so many African-American children and to literally see the world opening up for them. Finally young men have someone to look up to that isn't a sports player or an entertainer. I mean Obama is the freaking president in less that 12 hours. It is such a great and exciting time to be alive.

I feel like everything I have learned and read up to now has helped me tremendously. Literally just thinking positively has saved me so much anxiety and heartache. I can be sad without it taking over anymore. I feel like I'm in such a great place.

I also have been reading quite a lot again. I finished three really good books and one of them has even inspired me to write my book. I'm definitely going to re-read it a few times because it is just very inspiring for my story I want to tell. I still need to figure out how to get all the missing parts to my family's sordid history. Or maybe I'll make up the stuff I don't know. I definitely want it to be pseudo-non-fiction. I need to re-read my Jonathon Safron Foer stuff, that is another big influence. I love the genre of meta-fiction, I think it would fit in perfectly.
I also read a very interesting article in the New York Times that talked about how Obama's book writing and an appetite for reading helped him become the great man that he is today ( This quote in particular really stuck with me “a larger, fundamental element of American life — the enduring belief that we can constantly remake ourselves to fit our larger dreams," Obama speaks of the connection between himself and Lincoln. It seems like Obama really found out what kind of man he was by writing about himself and his family, I'd really like to do that also. I think it might help me in similar ways just to grow up and move beyond the trappings of a disastrous childhood.

I've started several blogs, but never really been into them. Hopefully I will take heed to my own advice. I need to live the life that I have dreamed of. I already partly am. I get to work for a fantastic non-profit organization and I get to have say in pretty much everything we do at the Mt. P unit. It is just awesome. I want to be a writer. I know that I can do these things. And for once I can say, pretty much everyday, that I can't wait for tomorrow because it is going to be a great day!

Adios for now...