Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Here and there...but mostly here.

So we are actually here, in the shoals. It is official, I am one of those people. And it is so very true, you can never go home again, but this is something like home and for that I am thankful. It is good to be around old friends. I'm not saying that I haven't had a panic attack or two by thinking "I'm gonna be here for the rest of my life, oh my god," but I am working on it.

I do have a plan to get outta here. I am pretty sure I'm gonna start grad school in a year. The more I research the more I really want to get my Masters in Social Work. It just seems like that is what I'm supposed to do. It opens up a world of possibility in a field that I really want to be in. So I'm on a four year plan...hopefully after I finish my three years in grad school we can move to Cali. And maybe, just maybe we will move to Cali as a 3 year long double date...but we'll see if the unmovable's will actually go to Cali with us.

I have to say I seriously fucked something up with kemper and I. We were having a lot of problems. I feel like I think and analyze my way into major issues in our relationship. For the last six weeks we were fighting pretty hardcore. But I thought and analyzed our way back into a good place. I seriously have to work on just enjoying my life and love in the place that it is. I do not need to worry or pressure myself or my relationship into another place or phase. I'm happy where I am for now. When it is time to do something different, I will know it and we will know it.

I'm working, trying to be healthy (a joint endeavor for tay and i), planning for the future (both financially and in my career) and enjoying my life exactly where it is.

And for now I'm pretty happy.