Friday, January 1, 2010

Aha to you 2010.

  It is January 1, 2010.  When I was a kid I remember figuring out, "I'll graduate high school in 2003, wow that seems forever away," "I'll graduate college in 2007, I'll never make it that long," "I'll be 25 in 2010...god I'll be so old."  And now it is officially 2010.  I could barely imagine this year.

  Well 2010 is here.  I made it.  I made a list of possible resolutions on my last blog.  It's not to shabby...I might stick to a few of them.  My boyfriend made a resolution to quit smoking, thank goodness.  Today I made a budget...hopefully I can stick to that.  Especially since my toolbag employers dropped me to 20 hours a week.  Lovely I know.  So the job search should my on my resolutions list.  But anyway I've decided that a better way to spend New Year's Day is to look back on my accomplishments of 2009.

1.  Decided on a pretty decent life path, which equals obtaining my MSW.
2.  Concieved a child (not sure if this is officially an accomplishment, since we weren't exactly trying, but I'll take it anyway).
3.  Handled losing two family members with dignity and did not fall apart.
4.  Became an essential part of an organization, made a difference and left the job in an adult manner = grew professionally.
5.  Swallowed my pride and moved back home, because it was the right thing to do at the time.
6.  Successfully handled a job where I answered questions about math, if I had any kids and then why not, boobs and then why Mr. Mark is so mean while making lesson plans and organizing a summer camp.
7.  Drank almost 50 shots...and out drank a 19 year-old...not quite sure how much of an accomplishment, but I'm counting it.
8.  Made it to 24.
9.  Celebrated seven years with the person I love.
10.  Learned how to cook the majority of Thanksgiving dinner.
11.  Moved, all of our junk - across the state, without a U-Haul.
12.  Cooked crabs with my best friend and her fam at Edisto Beach.
13.  Also discovered the best BBQ sauce on the planet...also at Edisto.

  That is unfortunately all I have for now.  2009 was definitely marred by some pretty sad events, but overall it wasn't as awful as it felt at the time.  I have grown and had to grow up a bit and so has my boyfriend.  I hope I have lots to look forward to in 2010.  I have Jackson and an official little family to look forward to.  I'm more confident than usual and I am trying to learn how to be more realistic than pessimistic.  The worst does not always happen.  And sometimes what you think is the worst than can happen turns out to be something good.  Happy New Year's...