Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm not ready...

Just as I was getting comfy dealing with a few years back home...I had some pretty startling revelations. Don't get me wrong, besides disliking my job (most of the time) and not having a lot of prospects for a better one, being home has not been so bad. But the prospect of staying here for 20 years makes me want to vomit...and on that subject...I found out I was pregnant almost two weeks ago.

Pregnant. I was somewhere between four and six weeks (don't ask...conception is a confusing thing apparently...even to medical professionals) when I found out. I think I should be around seven now. And yes I found out basically on my seven year anniversary. I've definately had some pretty conflicting thoughts on what to do next. But as Taylor says, "Why waste a perfectly good baby."

So I'm still working at a pretty gay job. I'm definately not going to tell them until I figure out if they are going to make me full time or not. If not...god only knows. I had a good four year plan...Now I barely have a four minute plan. But I know that I still want to go to grad school and fate willing I'll be able to. We still want to move to Cali too....and the baby will be three by then so I think we will be fine.

I really want to explore some part-time job options for post-pregnancy (around the end of May). I would of course really love to write. Maybe the whole pregnancy baby thing could open up some freelance things.

Anywho hopefully I can write more on this blog, or at least a bit more regularly and I'm also thinking of doing a pregnancy blog...maybe call it I need more than 9 months to be ready!

I suppose even though I generally feel like I'm insane and I'm going to vomit my brains out, everything does happen for a reason. This baby, boy or girl, will be loved by two parents who deeply love each other. We may not be ready, but hopefully we'll figure it out...we've gotten this far.

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