Friday, December 18, 2009

life as i know it...

So apparently I need to get back into my list making, life planning, organizing habits.  I've lost lots of myself already since finding out about the little person sharing my torso.  Well that is a slight lie.  I have, for the first time in my life, quit doing everything to avoid doing anything to do with the baby, specifically planning for its arrival and subsequent life with me and him and shady and newly acquired papi. 

  I've gotten pretty frustrated with my work life and career prospects.  I miss writing.  I had big plans for documenting my pregnancy for the baby, but I was so tired at first...not to mention horrified that I just abandoned everything, but eating and cuddling with my boy.  I mean I have such a great idea/plan for a book...ironically that has started to become my real life.  I swear sometimes I'm pyschic or maybe I just fantasize about the worst and sometimes it just happens to be where my life is going. 

  But anyway...list making.  I need to make some new year's resolutions...and yes I know it's only dec 18, but it's never to early.  Ok here goes....

New Year's Resolutions (brainstorming sesh)
1.  Eat healthier (which includes veg dinners and eating grass fed, local poultry, pork, and beef only). 
2.  Get ready for baby:  birth plan, nursery, birthing classes, list of needed baby stuff, etc.
3.  Write more.  Better.  Often. 
4.  Attempt to freelance...
5.  Start on book...see how it goes.
6.  Read more.
7.  Take a trip with kemp to some place fun.
8.  Save, save, and save.
9.  Take control of debt.
10.  Ask for help when I need it.

Not bad for a first draft....and yes I really missed my list making. 

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