Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here's looking at you 2011.

I left off the blog with a post about all the things I had accomplished in 2009.  The list is a bit quirky to say the least.  I'd like to ask that anything written while I shared my body with the giant be forgiven.  My brain along with the rest of me, went a bit wonky.

And now...adios to you 2010...

1.  Birthed a baby.  Kind of.  AKA labored for 23 hours before having my, too big to be technically birthed from my body, baby literally cut out of me.  Gross I know..and it happened to me.
2.  Grad school oh how I played you.  Baby...check.  Significant other that works 60 hours a week...check.  Housewife duties (ha.)...check.  4.0....check.  Burn USC...burn.
3.  Breastfeeding.  Another kind of gross thing, but an accomplishment none-the-less.  Especially when we consider how very large my breastmilk fed only child is.
4.  Motherhood.  I'm probably not the greatest, but at least no one has called child services.  He may be a bit spoiled and a bit of a mama's boy, but he is healthy and happy.
5.  I'm ok.  It's a weird accomplishment I know, but my life plans went to hell last year 2009-2010 was a very weird time for me.  I am a planner.  I have this mental list of certain things that are supposed to happen at certain times and life set it on fire.  So now I'm just dealing with things as they happen.  I have a tentative plan, but I'm also prepared for that to blow up in my face...just in case.  I've let go of things a bit and become a little more relaxed and I'm happier for it.

Short list considering how much  my life changed last year.  But this is it.  I'm a new person.  I hope 2011 is not that crazy, but who knows.  Oh and I'm not even attempting to make resolutions.  Not worth my time.  I am thinking about doing something similar to Katie over at Bower Power:  Katie's resolutions.  I think it is very cool and a bit less or more crazy I guess depending...to have little monthly goals instead of some big resolution that will probably never get a second thought after January 31, 2011.  I'll get back to you on the other eleven, but January's resolution...drum roll please....to think of eleven do-able, positive change resolutions.  Lame I know, I'll try to make the rest less lame, more of you guys saying...oh that's such a great idea...I wish I could be more like her.  Oh dreams.

Anyhoo...to send you off....Happy post-holidays and here's to a great 2011....

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