Friday, February 18, 2011

So about that February one...

We are nearing the end of February...and I feel a bit like most people that make resolutions.  Grrr...epic fail.  I really tried my best on this one.

Like a lot of things in my life, some days I remembered, some days I completely forgot, and on some days I barely saw the bf for more than ten minutes.  Making time for him or us is hard with our son around and add to that a full-time graduate school schedule and if I remember to shower or feed Jack it's pretty much miraculous.

We have still yet to do anything for V-day.  I hope that will be remedied this weekend when Jack goes to his grandma's.  But I think I let something happen that makes up for my failed resolution.  I let the bf buy a TV.  Not just any TV, but the TV he's been dreaming of, online shopping for, and begging me to let him get for two years. And in all it's 55 inch glory it's in our tiny, tiny office.  So there goes 28 day of niceness in one 55 inch package.  I could have done better, but he's happy I assure you and I still have ten days left...

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