Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Three Weeks Until M-Day

Ironically enough the color of the titles on my blog are the exact color of my future bedroom walls. Hmm... Well the date is getting closer and closer. I'm getting very nervous. I'm still less a job, but guess I'm not alone. I do have a job for three more weeks though. Hopefully I'll be able to save enough money to stay afloat for a while.

Kemper did land a interview at Lander. I hope Taylor + him are convincing enough for him to land this job. He would be absolutely perfect for it. Selling Lander, travelling around talking to high school kids and he is super cool (apparently it is a requirement for college recruiters). If he gets this job it will definately make me a lot less anxious. We can definately both live off of that salary for a few months.

So strange that we are working so hard to move somewhere we never thought we would
ever go back to. But it is all in the hopes of moving to Cali. Well I say that and I'm not sure if I even mean it. We definately wouldn't be moving back if not for Karen, but it is relieving to be moving home. I swear, and tell everyone this, my blood pressure actually goes down when I drive into the shoals.

Good thing is it's a great time to stop putting off things and start new projects. Now for better or for worse I have Fridays off. I can apply for jobs, call places, and schedule interviews on Friday if I need to, but I can also say goodbye. I've lived in Charleston for six years and although I'm not sad I'm leaving, I'll definately miss this place. I'm probably going to use Friday mornings to ride my bike around and take pictures, give Charleston a proper goodbye.

Hopefully at home, to keep boredom at bay, I can write more. I'm starting to feel like Brian from Family Guy with my conscious as Stewie..."what about that novel Brian? working on that novel Brian?..." I do have some good ideas, they just need to be fleshed out. I'm tired of being someone that just talks/thinks about the things they are going to do instead of doing them. I also need to finish my novelist book.

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